A book talk invites students to discuss a book they love or hate and try to convince others why they should read or never read the book. I first heard about book talks from one of my favorite professors, Dr. Katherine Kelly, when she gave one on the first day of Teaching Adolescent Literature. Book talks were […]
Category Archives: Writing
Acrostic Poems
I love the simplicity and versatility of an acrostic poem. They are great for writers of all ages and can be used as a writing and reading comprehension tool. The poem’s structure has only one rule: The base is a word written vertically so that each letter in the base word becomes a new word […]
Awesome Poetry Books for Kids and Teens
If you’re going to teach poetry, the first and most important thing to do is find good poetry. By good, I mean poetry that invites your students into the poem. Poetry that helps them connect to their own world and the world around them. Poetry that doesn’t make them snooze. If you want your kids […]
Create a Writing Basket | Encourage Young Writers
I’ve always found the more organized I am, the easier it is to homeschool or teach. I don’t have hours to prep a project. I want to grab what we need and get started. Baskets, cups, mason jars, and bins of all sizes, I’m a big fan. We store our games together. Glue has its […]
Creative ELA Online Classes
Dear Homeschoolers and Virtual Schoolers, Creative ELA online classes are open for registration! Are you in planning mode? Looking for ways to bring more writing into your kiddo’s day? Looking to save money on classes and resources? My list of classes for the new year is up, and there are so many fun, Creative ELA […]
Writing Prompts for Young Writers | All About Fall
The trees burst with color and seed, sprinkling down red, yellow, and pinecone confetti. All things pumpkin fill the senses. Plastic bag ghosts and pipe cleaner spiders decorate our home. A green witch on a bamboo stick cackles in the garden. Mums replace sunflowers. Whether fall is almost here or has already arrived, the world […]
Creative Writing Prompts for Summer
Summertime! Let’s grab our journals and see where our ideas take us! Creative writing prompts for summer can help us get started. Choose one or write about anything you want. The sunshine, summer rains, heat, and our summertime adventures can inspire us. The places we want to visit or things we’d like to are great […]
10 Ways to Help Students Revise & Edit Their Writing
Two of the hardest parts of the writing process are revision and editing. We’re taught at an early age to do things the “right” way the first time, and in school, we’re taught the fewer corrections or red marks, the better. Revision feels personal. Something we’ve created needs fixing. What one person thinks is wrong […]
Create an Outdoor Classroom | Take Learning Outside
One of the best places to learn is outside. Whether kids are doing homework, exploring, or just taking it all in, decent weather and a good place to sit are all you need to create a perfect classroom. Our family heads outside whenever we can. We play games, relax and spend time as a family. […]
How to Encourage Our Children to Write
How do we encourage our children to write? Here are ten tried and true ways I help my kids and students write and enjoy writing.
Poetry Games
Do your kids like poetry? Are you a fan? Poetry games are a wonderful way to learn about poetry, no matter your feelings on the genre. You’re not alone if you or one of your kids loathe it. Of all the writing genres, I think poetry gets the worst rap. Why? Poetry isn’t straightforward. Poems […]
Writing Prompts for Young Writers | Spring
One of the things I love about leading creative writing circles and classes actually happens before class when I create the agenda we’ll follow to inspire reflection, truth-telling, and storytelling. My classes always include writing prompts. These prompts, usually created around a theme, author, or genre, may emerge thanks to a poem or a specific […]
Encourage Writing with Night Zookeeper
Writing can give our brains a workout; there’s a lot to learn and remember. It’s why whenever I teach writing, I encourage my kids and students to focus on their interests. It is also why I love using creative writing activities. Not only does creative writing make writing more fun, but it also gets kids […]
Internal & External Conflicts | Post Reading Activity
Your student has finished a novel. Now what? It’s time to put all that awesome reading to work and dig a little deeper; that’s what! There are many, many ways to explore the themes and characters in a book post-reading. What’s important with a post-reading activity is not to squelch the interest the book brought […]
Teaching Imagery to Young Writers
When it comes to writing, imagery is an important literary device for kids to understand and use. Imagery brings a writer’s ideas to life. It helps them paint a picture with words. I love helping young writers create imagery and watch their writing bloom. They see the difference a good descriptive word adds and are […]