Writing Prompts for Young Writers | All About Fall

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Calling all writers (even if you don't call yourself one), let's explore our senses, story, and the world around us with fall writing prompts.

The trees burst with color and seed, sprinkling down red, yellow, and pinecone confetti. All things pumpkin fill the senses. Plastic bag ghosts and pipe cleaner spiders decorate our home. A green witch on a bamboo stick cackles in the garden. Mums replace sunflowers.

Whether fall is almost here or has already arrived, the world around us is changing, and as the seasons change, we change, too.

New ideas, experiences, and feelings need a place to land. Calling all writers (even if you don’t call yourself one), let’s explore our senses, story, and the world around us with fall writing prompts.

Fall Writing Prompts

There are a number of ways to offer these prompts. Print them out (you can find them in my resource library) for each child/teen, and cut each prompt into strips so writers can choose one at random, or post a new prompt each day.

Always let a writer choose whether or not they want to use the prompt. If they’d rather write about dinosaurs or traveling to space- let them! The point is to get kids writing by choice.

  • Write about the word Fall. What words or images come to mind? What memories live in the fall?
  • What is happening outside right now? Spend a few minutes watching, listening, smelling, touching, and maybe even tasting (ever tasted a redbud or wild violet). Tell a story and use the sensory experiences you just had to describe what’s going on.
  • In the fall, people, animals, and plants prepare for winter. The landscape starts to change again; animals look for shelter, food is plentiful, and plants die back or put their energy into their roots so they can emerge again in spring- Write about the things you like to gather or write about what will change or has changed.
  • What is something that you are preparing for, creating, or doing?
  • What do you hope fall brings?
  • Begin with the words, The creatures were busy in the forest…
    If a leaf, crow, pumpkin, or pinecone spoke to you, what would it say? Create a conversation between you and something non-human.
  • What do you like least about fall? What happened one fall you hope never happens again?
  • What stories come to mind when you think of the words- chilly, ghost, gather, harvest?
Calling all writers (even if you don't call yourself one), let's explore our senses, story, and the world around us with fall writing prompts.

About Kelly Sage

A writer, teacher, mother, homeschooler. Seeker of time, space, and resources to help foster the love of learning.

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