Homeschooling in Indiana

Homeschooling in Indiana

We started homeschooling in 2013, and ever since, my family has made many a favorite memory and learned a lot thanks to the incredible array of homeschooling resources in Indiana. Homeschooling in Indiana can be a lot of fun! We’re lucky, Hoosiers! But homeschooling resources are not always easy to find. Hopefully, this post will […]

CTCMath | A Homeschool Math Curriculum

CTCMath | A Homeschool Math Curriculum

I have a homeschooler who loves math and finds it incredibly frustrating. Some days she experiences both love and frustration in the same lesson. She appreciates the challenge of a math problem up to a point. Most of us are this way, I’d guess. We can only keep trying to understand something that is not […]

BookShark | Hands-on Science Curriculum

BookShark | Hands-on Science Curriculum

The older my daughter gets the more I appreciate a little help with homeschooling subjects like science. By help, I mean the collection of materials. There are so many resources to choose from. It can be daunting and finding high-quality books and materials is SO time-consuming. I know what we want: literature-based, secular, hands-on, fun. […]

Typing Practice Your Kids Will Love

Typing Practice Your Kids Will Love

The summer before I went to high school, I learned how to type. My father told me at the end of the summer, he’d give me as many dollars as I could type a minute. The typing program we used was on CD-ROM. No internet back in those days. It was tedious and without a […]

The Importance of Flexibility in a Homeschool Day

The Importance of Flexibility in a Homeschool Day

Let’s talk flexibility. Imagine if you will your perfect homeschool day. Everyone’s will look different, but maybe for you, it looks like having found a new curriculum you’re excited about or having all the materials laid out on the kitchen table or maybe you’ve planned a field trip to meet friends, hike and learn about […]