Disclosure- Links in this post may be affiliate links. If you click through and make a purchase, I earn a commission at no additional cost to you. Unless noted, if I am reviewing a product, I have been compensated for my time. I write honest reviews. They are not required to be positive. I only recommend the resources we love and use.

I am appreciating social media posts and articles reminding us we don’t have to “do something” while we’re sheltering in place. Now does not have to be the time to learn how to play the guitar or read every book on our shelf. Getting up, working, caring for our families, it is enough. I am also aware of how sometimes doing something new or creative relaxes our anxious minds. It does for my people and for me. I’m not talking about being busy every minute or having every second of our day planned out. I’m talking about having a few things, in our back pockets so to speak, we can pull out and turn to when we need to quiet our minds, connect, distract ourselves, and recenter our focus. As much as I appreciate the calls to let go of doing, when you’re home with your kids all day, having things to do can make the day go a lot smoother.
Our family is finding this experience scary and challenging. but because we’re used to working from home, homeschooling, and spending a good deal of our time together, being home is more of a comfort than a challenge. I know this is not the case for all. It is a lot to get used to. I remember. This is a round-up post of the activities and resources my family and I are using, have used, and enjoy doing when we’re home.
This is by no means a list of things you “should do”. But if you’re looking for ideas or encouragement, I think you’ll find it below. That’s my hope!
Simple, Fun Ways to Spend Time at Home

Create Art
- Online art classes– we love these! You can use what you have in your home, there are a ton of classes to choose from for all ages, and the teacher is so upbeat and fun!
- Handmade Gifts– it’s not the holidays but these crafts are so fun, easy, and will definitely bring joy to receivers.
- Nature Crafts– so simple and fun!
- Make Body Biographies! Such a fun way to learn and create.
Get Outdoors
- Backyard Family Time– some of our favorite ways to spend time outside. Never fails to help our spirits.
- Outside of the Box kits– these are filled with quality outdoor activities
- Create a Writing Basket– I bet you already have everything you need!!
- Mother’s Day Poetry Prompts– Good for any day but it is coming up!
- List Making– believe it or not, super fun and a good life skill.
- Writing Prompts for Spring– grab some journals and head outside!
- Play Writing Games – super helpful for reluctant writers
- Online writing resources to help and encourage young writers
- Create a writing practice– this is a great time to write with our kids
- Writing Territories Lists are my favorite way to help kids brainstorm. They help me too!
- Writing Circles are a wonderful way to spend time online!
- If you are looking for ideas related to writing, I have a lot of posts to help kids who are struggling or need inspiration.
- Edible Chemistry– super fun and yummy
- Cook with Your Kids– so much learning happens and if you let go of worry and expectations, it’s a blast!
Play & Learn Together
- Greek Mythology– my most popular post- this is such a fun unit or topic to learn about as a family!
- U.S. Elections– no time like the present- this was one of the best unit studies we’ve ever done!
- Read Aloud Together– without fail this is how we calm and connect.
- Play Games!! Such a great way to connect, laugh together, and spend time. Dust off those old games and turn off phones!
- If you’re looking for more info related to literacy, I have a lot of reading posts including posts to help kids who are struggling to understand what they read. I also teach reading comprehension classes for kids online.
Create Space
- Routines- beginning and ending day transitions – Creating a few simple ways to start and end our day, especially our learning time, makes all the difference!
- Gratitude Practices- studies show one of the ways to build resilience is to practice gratitude. Sometimes it can feel hard to feel grateful when everything is hard, but it actually can make us feel better.
- Focusing on ways we can connect- I love seeing how many people are finding joy in the abundance of family time. I also know this is hard. We all need connection right now. Here are some ways I’ve found to keep ours strong.
- Space to Play and Learn- our environments very much affect our moods. Start small. One corner, one room. It makes a difference.
- Space for Free Play– just because we’re all home together doesn’t mean we have to be doing something together all the time.
- Downtime– especially if you’re used to working outside of the home or your kids are suddenly on screens all day for school.
- Meal Plan– we’ve spent most of our married lives on a tight budget. This saves our wallets and sanity.
- Eat Together– no screens! It’s messy and sometimes everyone complains but the more you do it, the more truly sacred it becomes. I wouldn’t give this part of our day up for anything.
- Keep the Space Together– No one likes to do chores and no one should have to do it all! Even little ones can help. You’re a community. Work together.
- Habits to Help Make Learning at Home Go Smoothly
- Helping Kids Through Change and Transition
- The Practice of Keeping Time
If things are feeling especially hard at home right now, reach out to friends and family, call your family physician or therapist or of course 911. There’s no shame in needing help.
And in case you need to hear this- It’s okay to not love being home. It’s okay to find all this time with kids extra challenging. It’s okay to stay in your PJs and cry and read this post and think it’s all a bunch of BS.
AND we have to keep keeping on, in whatever way that looks for us.
Sending love and light to all of your homes.