My teenager loves to create. There’s rarely a day when she’s not making digital art, clay figurines, or doodling. When she’s in her art zone, life is good! When she’s not, boredom often sets in, and there is nothing to do becomes her mantra. Yesterday was one of these days. My daughter’s muse was on […]
Category Archives: Learn
Spring 2023
No longer posting on IG or FB, I want a place to hold a few photos and thought you, Reader, might like to see what we’ve been up to. Here’s an old fashion blog post and a few updates. In March, we drove up to Lisle, IL, to check out Universal Technical Institute, where Clark […]
10 Ways to Help Students Revise & Edit Their Writing
Two of the hardest parts of the writing process are revision and editing. We’re taught at an early age to do things the “right” way the first time, and in school, we’re taught the fewer corrections or red marks, the better. Revision feels personal. Something we’ve created needs fixing. What one person thinks is wrong […]
Create an Outdoor Classroom | Take Learning Outside
One of the best places to learn is outside. Whether kids are doing homework, exploring, or just taking it all in, decent weather and a good place to sit are all you need to create a perfect classroom. Our family heads outside whenever we can. We play games, relax and spend time as a family. […]
Easy Nature Crafts Your Kids Will Love
Spring is one of our favorite times to pull out the craft bins. Plants and critters inspire us, and to be perfectly honest, I like messy things to happen outside as much as possible. The woods and yard also offer all sorts of free materials. There are no directions or rules. Nature crafts invite us […]
Springtime Sanity Savers for Homeschoolers
Homeschooling in spring can feel exciting- the world is waking up around us! Springtime can also feel LONG. We’ve learned a lot already this school year, and a good long break is needed. Looking for a new activity, want to take learning outdoors, or need a few more lessons to round out the year? These […]
How to Encourage Our Children to Write
How do we encourage our children to write? Here are ten tried and true ways I help my kids and students write and enjoy writing.
Poetry Games
Do your kids like poetry? Are you a fan? Poetry games are a wonderful way to learn about poetry, no matter your feelings on the genre. You’re not alone if you or one of your kids loathe it. Of all the writing genres, I think poetry gets the worst rap. Why? Poetry isn’t straightforward. Poems […]
Writing Prompts for Young Writers | Spring
One of the things I love about leading creative writing circles and classes actually happens before class when I create the agenda we’ll follow to inspire reflection, truth-telling, and storytelling. My classes always include writing prompts. These prompts, usually created around a theme, author, or genre, may emerge thanks to a poem or a specific […]
Reading Strategies | Help Kids Understand What They Read
Here’s a question I often ask students- Have you ever started to read, flipped page after page, tracked each word, maybe even spoken the words out loud, only to realize at the end of a passage or chapter you have no idea what you just read? You might be surprised how many students nod their […]
Celebrating the Winter Solstice
When my children were little, we celebrated Christmas much like my husband and I did when we were growing up. Presents, food, travel, and (limited) time together were the focus. While we definitely have some special memories, what I remember most about those early years is feeling overwhelmed. We didn’t have a lot of extra […]
Encourage Writing with Night Zookeeper
Writing can give our brains a workout; there’s a lot to learn and remember. It’s why whenever I teach writing, I encourage my kids and students to focus on their interests. It is also why I love using creative writing activities. Not only does creative writing make writing more fun, but it also gets kids […]
Choosing a Homeschool Curriculum for Preschool
Looking for a homeschool curriculum for preschool? When I first started homeschooling, I was too. They are out there. I found a lot of preschool resources and spent a good deal of money. Looking back, I wish I’d trusted my intuition instead of my fear. I worked at a preschool through college. A lab school […]
Choosing a Homeschool Curriculum- Tips to Get You Started
Do you use a homeschool curriculum? Do you use textbooks and follow the same track as the schools? What do your homeschoolers do all day? My answers- Sometimes, No, A Lot! If you’ve homeschooled for a while, I bet you’ve been asked these questions. If you’re new to homeschooling or are considering diving in, I’m […]
Games My Homeschoolers Love | Encourage Play & Watch Kids Learn
How do we help kids learn, love to learn, build connections, work as a team, and practice critical thinking? Play! Play! Play! Play fosters a love of learning. (Do you know this already? Looking for games my homeschoolers love? Just keep scrolling!) Full disclosure, before I had kids, I wasn’t someone who played or enjoyed […]