CTCMath | A Homeschool Math Curriculum

CTCMath | A Homeschool Math Curriculum

I have a homeschooler who loves math and finds it incredibly frustrating. Some days she experiences both love and frustration in the same lesson. She appreciates the challenge of a math problem up to a point. Most of us are this way, I’d guess. We can only keep trying to understand something that is not […]

BookShark | Hands-on Science Curriculum

BookShark | Hands-on Science Curriculum

The older my daughter gets the more I appreciate a little help with homeschooling subjects like science. By help, I mean the collection of materials. There are so many resources to choose from. It can be daunting and finding high-quality books and materials is SO time-consuming. I know what we want: literature-based, secular, hands-on, fun. […]

Typing Practice Your Kids Will Love

Typing Practice Your Kids Will Love

The summer before I went to high school, I learned how to type. My father told me at the end of the summer, he’d give me as many dollars as I could type a minute. The typing program we used was on CD-ROM. No internet back in those days. It was tedious and without a […]

Teaching on Zoom- Ten Tips to Get You Started

Teaching on Zoom- Ten Tips to Get You Started

Have you suddenly found yourself teaching online? Are you thinking about ways to connect online with your students, individually, in groups, or as a class? Zoom is a wonderful resource for teaching and learning online. While it’s not the same as an in-person class, Zoom has many of the same features as a tech-filled classroom. […]

The Importance of Flexibility in a Homeschool Day

The Importance of Flexibility in a Homeschool Day

Let’s talk flexibility. Imagine if you will your perfect homeschool day. Everyone’s will look different, but maybe for you, it looks like having found a new curriculum you’re excited about or having all the materials laid out on the kitchen table or maybe you’ve planned a field trip to meet friends, hike and learn about […]

Habits to Help Your Homeschool Day Run Smoothly

Habits to Help Your Homeschool Day Run Smoothly

Habits, the things we do on autopilot, can lead people to success, productivity, and better health. There are countless books on how to create good habits. From spending to studying, eating to time management, researchers have found the things we do over and over make a difference in the way we live. As homeschoolers, this […]