Fun Ways to Get Commas in the Right Place- Flex Class


This hands-on, recorded class gives students time to learn and practice comma rules by playing games and writing silly sentences and stories. A video lesson on YouTube is provided.


Commas can be confusing! In this recorded class, kids will learn and practice comma rules by playing games and writing silly sentences and stories. Why? Because the best way to learn punctuation rules is to use punctuation correctly in our writing.

For kids 8+

Commas, Commas, and More Commas

This class will help students practice-
  • use commas after introductory words or mild interjections
  • use commas to set off words of direct address
  • use commas to set off one or more words that interrupt the flow of a sentence
  • insert a comma between two independent clauses that are joined with a coordinating conjunction
This class is great for kids who know these rules and need or want to practice AND for kids who have not learned these rules before.
This class also includes two handouts available for download after your purchase.  

Class Structure-

In this recorded class, students will learn comma rules by playing games and by using what they learn in their writing. This hands-on, recorded class gives students time to learn and practice comma rules by playing games and writing silly sentences and stories.

Teaching Style-

I believe in students centered learning and in the importance of structure in a classroom. I set classroom agreements to help create a safe, fun, inspiring space for all students to feel supported, want to participate, and be able to learn. I use materials to help students connect and find interest.

Prior Experience-

Students do not need prior knowledge or experience with creative writing to learn and/or enjoy this class.

Come learn about commas!

This class is part of my Creative ELA Classroom membership. Join the community, and you’ll have access to this workshop and two new workshops every month!

Join the Creative ELA Classroom to take the class or purchase the class separately. 


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