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I have a homeschooler who loves math and finds it incredibly frustrating. Some days she experiences both love and frustration in the same lesson. She appreciates the challenge of a math problem up to a point. Most of us are this way, I’d guess. We can only keep trying to understand something that is not sinking in for so long. We might need a different way to access the information, a refresher in a previous learning, or a different lesson entirely; one that boosts our confidence and reminds us we can. When I’m looking for a homeschool curriculum, I want all of the above options for my child. I also want them to be engaged, be able to work on grade level and/or where they are, and I want to be able to adapt the lessons to her needs. CTCMath checks all my boxes when it comes to what I look for in a homeschool math curriculum.
Be sure to check out the link below for CTCMath’s 1/2 off Homeschool Family Membership!
We used CTCMath for 4th-grade math and are currently using it for 5th. If my older son needs help, the lessons and videos are there for him too!
What We Love about CTCMath
Let us count the ways ~
CTCMath’s interface is easy to set up for your child. Both the parent and student dashboards are easy to navigate.
There are so many topics and lessons to choose from. My daughter can choose what she wants to work on and when. She can go back and rework or relearn at any time as well.
Video Instruction
Short videos introduce each lesson. Students can choose to watch these or move on to the practice.
In each lesson, students have around ten practice problems. Once they finish they can repeat the practice problems to look again at the ones they missed, move on to new problems, or can finish the lesson and go on to the next.
Weekly Revision Tasks
These practice problems help students make sure they are understanding and remembering past lessons.
I love that the lesson can also be printed out. It’s a great resource and something my daughter puts in her math handbook.
Students can improve their speed with times table games and speed drills.
Easy to read reports outline what my homeschooler is understanding and what she is still working on.
I am not a math person. I need a math curriculum that is designed to help my homeschooler learn, enjoy learning, and be able to work at her own pace. CTCMath gives my daughter and I all the tools we need to make sure my homeschooler keeps loving math and pushing through the moments it feels too hard.
CTC Math offers 1/2 Price for Homeschoolers. They also offer a free trial. We don’t have to do it all! Now is a great time to give CTC Math a try! Click the button below to check it out!