How to Give a Book Talk

How to Give a Book Talk

A book talk invites students to discuss a book they love or hate and try to convince others why they should read or never read the book. I first heard about book talks from one of my favorite professors, Dr. Katherine Kelly, when she gave one on the first day of Teaching Adolescent Literature. Book talks were […]

Creative ELA Online Classes

Creative ELA Online Classes

Dear Homeschoolers and Virtual Schoolers, Creative ELA online classes are open for registration! Are you in planning mode? Looking for ways to bring more writing into your kiddo’s day? Looking to save money on classes and resources? My list of classes for the new year is up, and there are so many fun, Creative ELA […]

Poetry Games

Poetry Games

Do your kids like poetry? Are you a fan? Poetry games are a wonderful way to learn about poetry, no matter your feelings on the genre. You’re not alone if you or one of your kids loathe it. Of all the writing genres, I think poetry gets the worst rap. Why? Poetry isn’t straightforward. Poems […]

Set Reading Goals | Make Reading a Priority

Set Reading Goals | Make Reading a Priority

My daughter’s goal is to read the Wings of Fire AND the Harry Potter series. She’s eight and started reading fluently about six months ago. It’s a big goal. She wants to read them out loud together and to be perfectly honest, I have no clue how we’ll find time to read that much. (Keep […]

Around the World with Candlewick Press

Around the World with Candlewick Press

One day I’d love to travel around the world with my girl. We have big one-day plans. Alaska, Austrailia, Germany, France, so many adventures make up our bucket list. Until that one day comes, we are content to travel together in story. Candlewick Press books never fail to provide stories we want to adventure into […]