Talking to Children About Racism

Talking to Children About Racism

  My children don’t know discrimination personally. They have never been made to feel less than because of where they were born, who they love, what they believe, or the color of their skin. This privilege means it is vital my children know their story is not the story, and they must use their voices […]

Greek Mythology- Books and Movies Your Kids Will Love

Greek Mythology- Books and Movies Your Kids Will Love

Greek Mythology has it all: heroes, villains, friendship, love, deception, snake hair, sea monsters, really cool shape-shifters, and Cyclops. The stories are captivating. The gods and goddesses lure readers, even the most resistant, into their adventures. Thanks to a little strewing, my children have spent the last three weeks inviting Zeus, Apollo, Odysseus, Percy Jackson, […]

Junior Ranger Programs | Explore National Parks with Children

Junior Ranger Programs | Explore National Parks with Children

Heading to any national parks this year? Have you heard of the National Parks Service Junior Ranger Program? It changed the way my family experiences national parks!   Last summer, a little worried my children wouldn’t enjoy the historical sites my husband and I wanted our family to experience, we were thrilled to come upon The […]

Poetry Prompts for Mother’s Day

Poetry Prompts for Mother’s Day

What mother doesn’t love a poem from a child they love. I’d take one any day. Don’t get me wrong, pasta necklaces, coupon books, and playdough projects are sweet, but a poem is something to keep forever. There are all sorts of ways to create a Mother’s Day poem.  Below you’ll find prompts for kids of […]

Teaching Children How to Keep Time

Teaching Children How to Keep Time

My youngest wants to know how to tell time. We practice by playing a clock game she enjoys, rotate paper hands around a cardboard clock she’s made, determine which number is being called forth by the little hand. It’s a milestone, learning how to tell time, like tying shoes and learning how to read. She’s […]