Personal Spelling List

Personal Spelling List

One way I’ve found to help kids and teens become more proficient in spelling is to have them keep a personal spelling list. Like an editing checklist, this tool helps students self-edit while looking for words they commonly misspell. A personal spelling list evolves with the student. Once they no longer struggle to spell a […]

Goodbye Social Media

January was a long month. I’m heading into February feeling the need to purge and sit in silence. Yesterday, I spent most of the day working on our taxes. I’ll do the same today, but I thought I’d empty my brain here before I climb into that drudgery. I woke up this morning with a […]

How to Give a Book Talk

How to Give a Book Talk

A book talk invites students to discuss a book they love or hate and try to convince others why they should read or never read the book. I first heard about book talks from one of my favorite professors, Dr. Katherine Kelly, when she gave one on the first day of Teaching Adolescent Literature. Book talks were […]

Presence & New Year Hopes

Presence & New Year Hopes

Dear Reader, I’m feeling like 2025 needs old fashion blog posts. Posts that give updates and share bits of this and that. Maybe a once-a-month check-in? We’ll see. Here’s what’s going on these days. Reading I just finished reading Ina Garten’s memoir. I loved it. If you like her quirkiness, “How easy is that!” and […]

Curiosity Encouraged’s Holiday Gift Guide

Curiosity Encouraged’s Holiday Gift Guide

You’ve probably heard the saying, Something You Want, Something You Need, Something to Wear, Something to Read. I love the simplicity, but I lean more towards something to play, something to treasure, something that’s cozy, something to make, and something to learn. I don’t believe in taking out a loan to pay for the holidays. […]

Simple Handmade Gifts for Kids and Families to Make

Simple Handmade Gifts for Kids and Families to Make

Ever since my children could stand on a stool or sit on my lap while I sewed, they have made gifts. December in our house means we’re stirring beeswax, sewing rope into baskets, decorating cookies, and designing stuffed friends. We’re painting ornaments and assembling scrapbooks. It’s in their blood. Homemade gift-giving was a big part […]

Acrostic Poems

Acrostic Poems

I love the simplicity and versatility of an acrostic poem. They are great for writers of all ages and can be used as a writing and reading comprehension tool. The poem’s structure has only one rule: The base is a word written vertically so that each letter in the base word becomes a new word […]

Resources to Help Anxious Kids

Resources to Help Anxious Kids

My story- From the time I was pretty small, I was an anxious kid. Fear led me around by the hand. Heart racing and frozen, I heard someone creeping up our stairs every night. I worried my father, a federal agent, wouldn’t come home from work, my mother, an ER nurse, would get sick, and […]

Creative ELA Online Classes

Creative ELA Online Classes

Dear Homeschoolers and Virtual Schoolers, Creative ELA online classes are open for registration! Are you in planning mode? Looking for ways to bring more writing into your kiddo’s day? Looking to save money on classes and resources? My list of classes for the new year is up, and there are so many fun, Creative ELA […]