Outlining Our Next Great Story- Writing Workshop


This hands-on, recorded class gives students time to brainstorm, free write, and begin to outline their next great story. A video lesson on YouTube is provided.


Ever try outlining a story before you write? Shannon Messenger, the author of the Keeper of the Lost Cities series, always outlines her stories first! We’ll use her ideas and ideas of our own to outline our next great story!

This class also introduces students to the fantasy author Shannon Messenger. Along with outlining, students will also play along with her as she plays Would You Rather and listen to her “best” advice for young writers.

This hands-on class gives students time to brainstorm, free write, and begin to outline their next great story. A video lesson on YouTube is provided.

Join Creative ELA’s Membership to take this class or purchase it separately.

Class Structure-

In this creative writing class, we’ll find inspiration for our stories thanks to Shannon Messenger’s stories and advice. Students will also see how to outline a short and long piece of fiction. I use short, fun exercises to help kids find interest and write. Students will find my classes are a place to have fun, practice, and not worry about being perfect!

Teaching Style-

I believe in students centered learning and in the importance of structure in a classroom. I work hard to create a safe, fun, inspiring space for all students to feel supported, want to participate, and be able to learn. I encourage participation but do not force it. I use materials to help students connect and find interest.

Prior Experience-

Students do not need prior knowledge or experience with creative writing to learn and/or enjoy this class.

Creative ELA Classroom Membership-

This writing workshop is a great way to help your student practice outlining. My recorded classes also offer your students an idea of what my live classes look like.

Outline your next great story! This class is part of my Creative ELA Classroom Membership. Join the membership, and you’ll have access to all my recorded classes and two live classes a month.

You can also purchase the recorded class separately.


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