ELA Help for Homeschool Parents


ELA Help for Homeschool Parents offers tips, strategies, activities, and ideas to help our kids and teens become proficient readers and writers.


ELA Help for Homeschool Parents offers tips, strategies, activities, and ideas to help our kids and teens become proficient readers and writers.

I share the tools I’ve collected as an English teacher and homeschooler that continue to help reluctant, struggling readers and writers.

I address how to help kids who hate reading or writing or are not reading or writing at their grade level.

The best way to help our kids and teens learn and enjoy reading, writing, spelling, editing, and vocabulary.

Motivating our kids so they want to learn and take ownership of their learning.

I also share the ways my family sets goals and expectations and creates schedules each year.

This free class is for you if you are a new homeschooler, are feeling challenged, have kids who are struggling, or are looking for new ways to help your kids and teens with English Language Arts.


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