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The summer before I went to high school, I learned how to type. My father told me at the end of the summer, he’d give me as many dollars as I could type a minute. The typing program we used was on CD-ROM. No internet back in those days. It was tedious and without a doubt one of the best skills I have learned. My oldest heads off to high school in the fall and both my kids have plenty of time right now to learn and practice typing. Several times a week we’re using TypeDojo and Dance Mat Typing. Two free online typing programs, both are getting my kids’ fingers moving and their typing speeds increasing.
Typing is an important skill our kids will need (if they don’t already) but we don’t have to make it a boring skill to learn! Free Typing Games and Typing Lessons make learning to type a lot of fun. My oldest likes taking the Typing Speed Test. I’ve made the same deal with my kids my father made with me 27 years ago. He’s pretty sure he’ll beat my record (60wpm). I hope he does!
Tips to Get Your Kids Typing
Find a Typing Program Your Kids Will Use & Enjoy
We love that TypeDojo and Dance Mat Typing are filled with games and many ways to practice. I love that they are FREE!!
Tip- Before you forget, click on TypeDojo and Dance Mat Typing and bookmark the sites so your kids can go back to them later!
Set Practice Times
Learning to type is a priority in our house, especially for the oldest, so part of our homeschool and schooling at home schedule includes Typing Lessons. I want it to be fun and it’s a must. They have to practice a couple of times a week, but of course, can practice as much as they want.
Give Kids a Challenge
I have yet to meet a kid who doesn’t like a good challenge. You don’t have to include a reward at the end, though I do think it makes learning something like typing even more fun. Maybe compete against each other or have them track their speed each week. Make it like library challenges; each time they get to a certain speed they get a prize.
Let Kids See Why Typing is Important
If I tried to type this post with one finger it would have taken me ten times as long. I probably would not want to type or would have to pay someone to do it. As someone who got paid in college to type up students handwritten papers, I can promise you people do this.
Let your kids see how fast you can type correctly and then let them see you try to do it one letter at a time. Have them time you. Then talk about all the things you type in a day. Typing may not feel relevant to them right now, so let them see how important it is in your life.
Typing is a skill, like reading, that is vital. No matter the occupation, our kids will be using computers. COVID is proving this to be true. Farmers are suddenly selling online, kids are in virtual schools, and small businesses are having to get technologically creative to reach customers. What’s the common denominator- all of the above involve words and typing. Give TypeDojo and Dance Mat Typing a try. Your kids will thank you later!
Thanks, Dad!!