A Third Grade Interest-Led Curriculum

A Third Grade Interest-Led Curriculum

The kitchen table is covered with art supplies and books. My eight-year-old is sort of patiently waiting for me to pour another cup of coffee so we can get started. “I know what I want to do today,” she tells me, grabbing the whiteboard where we write down our daily schedule. “Will you write,” she […]

Creating Connections with Our Children

Creating Connections with Our Children

At the top of our stairs, a little double-sided easel, half chalkboard, half whiteboard, is balanced on the banister. It appeared there a few days ago. On one side, my daughter’s eight-year-old handwriting scribed, Good Morning Mom. On the other side, she wrote, Good Morning Sophie. Next to the easel is a piece of chalk for me […]

A Quick Guide to Tent Camping with Kids

A Quick Guide to Tent Camping with Kids

The first time we took our oldest camping he’d just turned three. We traveled and camped our way from Bloomington, Indiana to Rapid City, South Dakota. He was potty training, I was newly pregnant, and when I think about how many times we stopped to use (or try to use) the bathroom, it’s pretty remarkable […]

Why We Homeschool | Creating a Life We Love

Why We Homeschool | Creating a Life We Love

5th grade was the year I started hating school. While there were a few moments of joy (my high school art classes, AP English, summer break) college and time outside of school to delve into my interests gave me my love of learning. School mostly took it away. I became a teacher because I know […]