Curiosity Encouraged’s Free Resource Library

Help kids to love to learn with these free printables, workbooks, lessons, and activities!

Looking to Access My Resource Library?

Sign up for my newsletter, and I’ll send you the password.

Inside, you’ll find a ton of free ELA (English Language Arts) printables, activities, and mini-lessons.

If you’d like EVEN more resources and support, I’d love for you to join my Creative ELA Membership! Head to my membership page to learn more.

There are a lot of people asking for your email! I get that I’m another.

Here are three reasons why we should connect.

1- Inside my resource library, you’ll find free printable resources to help your children love to learn.

Each activity, game, lesson plan, workbook, and journal are well tested and loved. After teaching middle school and high school English (where it’s pretty clear what works and doesn’t) and homeschooling for 10+ years, I’ve collected A LOT of different ways to help kids/teens get excited about learning.

2- Once a week, I send out an email with ideas, freebies, and coupons for my Outschool and Creative ELA classes.

3- Finding good resources can also be overwhelming. The web is full of dead ends and worksheets that drill or fluff. You’ll only find resources I use, love, and that work!

Encourage young writers by offering creative ways to tap into their stories. These writing prompts inspired by spring will do just that.

I want to share my resources with you for the same reason I created Curiosity Encouraged.

I want to help every child love to learn.


I’ve seen what it looks like when learning is painful and when kids aren’t engaged. They struggle to pay attention, understand, to remember what they’ve learned. Shame can get into the mix. As can feelings of failure and worry.

When children (when any of us) are interested and curious, learning becomes play, and play becomes learning. Not learning for a test, not memorization for the moment, but meaning-making absorption and real-life learning.

What is Curiosity Encouraged? A resource for parents and teachers to help foster a love of learning!

I know encouraging curiosity and helping children love to learn isn’t always easy!

As a teacher and homeschooler, I also need resources, ideas, and inspiration.

When I’m too busy or overwhelmed, when I feel like nothing is working, when I’m frustrated, just done. . . I need new ways to offer information, spend time with my children, regroup, and revise how we learn and spend our days.

I think we all feel this way.

Good cooking tools are essential for children to learn.

When I’m looking for new activities or for help, I want tools that encourage my children to explore, ask questions, dig deep, and get excited.

I want activities that inspire them, invite them to play, learn about themselves, connect with the world around them, and want to keep learning.

Body Biography, Play with Characterization

These types of resources are not always easy to find!

I create the resources I need and want to help my children love to learn.

I’d love to share them with you.

Fred Rogers says it best, “Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children, play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.”

Let’s help our children fill their days with joy.

Let’s help our kids learn AND play.

They can go hand in hand.

They really must.

Help kids to love to learn with these free printables, workbooks, lessons, and activities!