November is National Novel Writing Month! Let’s celebrate the novels we love and think about a novel we’d like to write.
This class includes games and fast writing. Students do not have to be interested in writing a novel to enjoy this class (though they might be inspired to start one).
Students will need something to write on and something to write with.
A favorite novel (just the title and author are fine)
Class Structure-
In this creative writing class, students will play games and fast write. I use short, fun exercises to help kids find interest and write. Time will be provided for students to share their writing if they want to. Students will find my classroom is a place to have fun, practice, and not worry about being perfect!
Typical Class Agenda-
- Welcome Activity
- Novel related games
- Writing exercises
- Sharing (optional)
- Closing activity
Teaching Style-
I believe in student-centered learning and in the importance of structure in a classroom. I set classroom agreements to help create a safe, fun, inspiring space for all students to feel supported, want to participate, and be able to learn. I encourage participation but do not force it. I use materials to help students connect and find interest.
I encourage participation throughout the class through both the chat and verbal. I make sure to answer all questions and call on all students who wish to participate. Students will interact with each other through discussion and when sharing their writing.
Prior Experience-
Students do not need prior knowledge or experience with creative writing to learn and/or enjoy this class.
Come celebrate the novel!
Please note- a welcome letter and Zoom link will be sent to you a few days before the class begins.